Thursday 4 April 2013

Termanu Stone

Environmental Consequences of Stroke-Abrasion Scars Marine Waves Seen Clearly On The Borders Steep At Makin Embellish This Termanu Stone Panorama Termanu Stone This. There are 2 Kidney Stone Termanu, the Huns Miles And Miles Suelay, waters of the surrounding area Termanu's Stone, Dive Often Made In Place, It's Because coral reefs Which Has Many Interesting variations.
In addition Attractions Excursions Held Termanu Stone This, Area Around It is also a place to breed fish population Karapu. As the expansion potential of Attraction Business May Be Others, But A Location Solicitation Of Bursting Fans, Good Local Anglers, Or Who Might Have Illegal Fishing Hobby.
According to legend the People Who Grow Community Among NDAO Rote, The Origins tells the story Termanu Stone This. That Inevitable Termanu Rock is A Big Stone Originating From The Maluku Islands, Which Can Move-Move location. When Stone's reach A Rote And Settle Arrives in place now. Optimism About History Termanu Stone As Something Sacred And Pregnancy value Ritual Magic reflected existence Request Rain With Held Stone Feet Around Termanu [The sloping bottom], Where At certain moments Ritual's Held By The Old Customs [Custom Figures ] Native Termanu Mile Area Around It.

If you want to go Termanu Stone, you can contact Bunafit Tours on


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