Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Lamalera Whale Hunters

Lamalera located on the south coast Lembata Island East Nusa Tenggara Province. Currently lembata Island already own the previous district join the East Flores District. Savu sea stretched before him violently enough. Already since the first community Lamalera famous as a fishing community, and traditional whalers. In the administration of the village is in the sub Lamalera WULANDONI, the village is divided into two villages Lamalera the Lamalera Country A and Country B Lamalera with a population of approximately 2.000 soul.

Lamalera village was formerly remote villages isolated and away from the crowds, this time was beginning to have development and manufacturing PLN tunnel to facilitate the vehicle. Lamalera villages already built on rock and coral cadas right at the foot or on the slope of a hill or mountain. Lamalera countryside with panoramic mountain world of little and deruhnya waves arid southern coast, the mountainous topography and stones and accompanied by a pretty steep slope of a challenging life and the lives of Lamalera. It seems very inappropriate when rural communities Lamalera fishermen prefer hunting large fish, which is actually included in the types of 'Marine Mammals' (Cetacean) large and very high-risk when compared to other fishing, but that statement occurs with environmental conditions, topography, and provision capabilities outlined in down down by their ancestors. Until they make used and let the dangers that are always faced to connect live with whaling.
Before the hunting season, the village has a tradition or culture Lamalera whaling are held annually custom uipacara lump of mass to bless the ancestors and remember the ghosts of their ancestors killed in the maritime field is struggling with the pope. Ceremonies and say Mass or common lefa performed every May 1. Officially whaling took place in May-November, but not infrequently also the month from December to April fishermen persist Lamalera whaling when whales through the waters of the Savu Sea. It is not bearti customs already violate the set, where in the coming months is the month named Lamalera hunting or referred to baleo.
Lefa season is a special time to go fishing and hunting whales and large fish such as the separation of dolphins, sharks, stingrays. At the time this season Lamalera society flock to sea. According to them in this seasons big fish often and play menampakan Savu Sea surface itself. Community Lamalera in principle to hunt in the traditional way, to capture the Pope or commonly called Kotoklema (Sperm Whale / Physeter macrocephalus) use sailboat that the language quoted peledang Lamalera district. The yacht is dilengkapai with a stab / harpoon harpoon hand mentioned, a long rope (rope leo), which fasten on spear (harpoon), and added bamboo over 4 meters as a tool stab. In a peledang usually muati by 7 Crew and specific roles in the stabbing stab whale is called balafaing interpreter (lamafa).

If you want to go to Lamalera Whale Hunters, you can contact Bunafit Tours on http://www.bunafitadventure.com

 Source: www.indonesiaindonesia.com/f/91282-tradisi-menangkap-ikan-paus-lamalera-lamakera/

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