Wednesday 3 April 2013

Tablolong Beach

Tablolong Beach Tourism area, it's location is in Malang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Tablolong Beach Location belongs distance directions about 25 km from Kupang City. For Most Residents of Kupang, Tablolong Beach location it over Irma grounds for fishing. Tablolong Beach location cans stands for Explicitly said to be in tip of Timor island. Directly opposite Beach position Tablolong island likes it be more beneficial for fish in the waters for sheltered it likes it if the west island Come season. This Ada make Tablolong Beach area rich of fish, of course will make fishing competition for places Conduct.
This cite Tablolong Beach Tourism area of ​​it s often be an alternative cite Tourist Attraction in ADDITION to the other Oenesu Toggle in Kupang as Waterfall and Lasiana Beach. Unfortunately, if access to Tablolong Beach it's not Getting the maximum attention. Facilities Used for visitors who Want to Spend the day in the coast region of Tablolong Beach Tourism area Using personal Most Vehicles, vehicle rental (rent car). The regional public transportation access to Tablolong Beach Tourism area still very minimal. Coastal Tourism development of Tablolong Beach Tourism area Surely it is worth Getting the government attention, from Kupang District Government or NTT (Ontario) Provincial Government. Other Supporting infrastructure, public facilities proper as found in tourist areas of liquor, not fully get priority in development of Tablolong Beach Tourism area Become a packed by professionals.
A placard with "Tablolong sport fishing center", you will meet there When Achieving Tablolong coastline. Tourism events frequently degree by NTT (Ontario) Provincial Government in Tablolong Beach Tourism area. This is the classy international tournament fishing. This tournament has Been a multiple event is held, with the Aim promoting Tourism in NTT (Ontario), especially in Kupang regency, what more Region Tablolong coast itself. Many TYPES of fish found in Regions coast Tablolong sea water, fish like marlin, sailfish fish, baracuda fish, tuna fish and the other else.

If you want to go to Tablolong Beach, you can contact Bunafit Tours on


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